Are Veneers Worth It? 5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Veneers

Did know that a beautiful smile can improve your quality of life?

Today, one of the most common things you’ll see on social media is perfect smiling photos of influencers. It seems if you want to thrive in the Californian show business, you can’t afford to have bad teeth.

Well, the secret behind these perfectly aligned white teeth is veneers.

Want to get the perfect smile but still asking yourself, “Are veneers worth it?”

Here are five things to consider before choosing veneers for your teeth.

1. Cost of Veneers

The cost of veneers range differently depending on the type of veneer, the area you live in, and the expertise of your dentist. Nonetheless, veneers can cost as much as $2,500 per tooth in the country.

If you want value for money, traditional veneers are a better option than non-prep veneers since they’ll last longer.

2. What Type of Veneer Should You Choose?

There are two common types of veneers:


Porcelain veneers are thin shells made from ceramics. They’re usually attached to the front of the teeth’s surface to give you a white, beautiful smile. These veneers are the perfect solution to cracked and discolored teeth.


Made from resin, composite veneers are shaped and bonded to the tooth to improve its appearance. Usually, they’re used to fill small gaps and broken teeth. They’re often temporary.

It’s important to know that veneers are different from tooth implants. Veneers only cover the front surface of the tooth, while tooth crowns and implants replace the entire tooth.

3. How Long Will They Last?

Porcelain veneers are more durable; they can last up to 15 years. Meanwhile, composite veneers can only last for 7 years.

To maintain your veneers for longer, you’ll need to have good oral hygiene such as flossing and brushing your teeth after every meal. Also, avoid hard foods as they can easily break the veneers.

4. Does Veneers Procedure Hurt?

The veneering process typically requires three appointments to the dentist.

The first session is a consultation which determines the veneer type that’s right for you. Your dentist will also examine your teeth to determine whether you’re a good candidate.

In the second appointment, the doctor trims your tooth by about half a millimeter in order to take a mold impression of your teeth. The mold impression is used to create the actual veneer.

A few weeks later, you’ll go for the last appointment where the veneers will get fitted to your teeth. They may be hardened with UV light to keep them in place.

The procedure will leave you with little to no discomfort. You can expect a little jaw and gum soreness.

5. Are There Alternatives to Veneers?

If you simply need your teeth whitened and aligned, veneers may not be the most appropriate option for you. Other favorable options may include teeth whitening procedures and use of traditional braces to align your teeth.

So, Are Veneers Worth It?

If you’ve been asking “Are veneers worth it?” we hope that our guide has clarified everything for you. Dental veneers are a great confidence boost for people with chipped, uneven, hugely spaced, and discolored front teeth.

If you’re in search of the best dentist for veneers in Chino, CA, look no further than Silver Smile Dental. Schedule an appointment with us today to get a beautiful smile.